February Jobs
See my blog on my website
Tidying up your garden
is a job that feels a bit like
hard work at this time
of the year.
It is cold and not usually
very inviting. Try having
a warming ginger tea
beside you.
1.So wrap up well and
try to keep moving.
2. If you have bulbs
you previously planted,
clear away the leaves
and twigs around them
so you can see them
as they push up through
the earth.
3. Keep watching out
for new shoots as
they appear.
Be gentle when clearing
so you avoid snapping off
any new growth.
New cyclamen
leaf I just found in the ground.
4. Keep pots well watered
as they will always dry out.
5. For some seasonal
colour find some nice
small pots and fill with
primulas and violas.
Without a doubt
it will lift your mood.
Buy from any good garden
centre, not online as you
can't see the quality
of the plants
Or a good market stall.
6. Tidy around pots and
sweep up any remaining
7. Make sure your plants
are protected from frost
and cold winds
by using horticultural
fleece or place in
the shelter of your
door step.
8. It is a good time
to look at seed
to get some
to get some
inspiration for the
year ahead.
Find out more about me at
and nasturtiums
February is the month
that starts us thinking
about the gardening year.
I look out at my garden
sometimes and think
how sad it looks
but as the days go by
there is a glimmer of hope.
Planning is the key to
any garden space.
Have a good look
at your space.
While there is a
skeleton of a garden
go out and take
some notes
of what you see and
what you would
like to create.
Today's haiku
Winter's garden
Ah, the moon,
a silvery thread
As insects hmmm
Matsuo Basho
fuyu niwa ya
tsuki mo ito naru
mushi no gin
More jobs for February
1. Make a note of bulbs
you would like to plant
next season.
2. Think about
the colours
you really like
3. Cut back any dead twiggy
growth on shrubs
4. Remember to
clean your tools with a
safe disinfectant spray.
5. Clear pathways of debirs
and old leaves
6. Cut back any
dead flowers,
you have left
from the autumn.
Depending on how tidy
you are, you could
leave berries
for the birds to
feast on.
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