Friday, 5 June 2015

How to create a Mini Garden P3.

Perfect Poppy head

Please see the progress of my 
Veggies experiment.

Plant No 1 - Courgette

Courgette is now
growing really well.

It is warm and protected
like it was in a Greenhouse.

Remember this is a
Mediterranean veggie so
needs warmth and lots of
continuous light to grow well.

Please keep reading and see its progress.

It has been fed with Seaweed liquid feed
(beginning of June). I am happy with its
progress so far.

Let's see how well it continues to grow in
the potting shed all warm and protected
from the strong winds at the moment.

It has new growth so keep watching
its growth.

See new growth of Courgette
after a couple of weeks indoors

Plant No 2 - Marrow

This Marrow is growing 
fairly well in the ground. 

It is a lot smaller than the
Courgette at this stage but 
it is still not that warm outside 
so its growth is quite slow.   

Keep following its growth.

Plant No 2 - Marrow

I have now dug up the Marrow as it was 
also starting to get eaten. I planted it in
a fairly big plastic pot so it should have enough 
space to grow in. 

It has also been fed with liquid seaweed. 
Please keep watching its progress. 

This Marrow is now
outside but it is still protected with a cloche. 
It is growing a new leaf so it is getting bigger.

Plant No 2 - Marrow

Plant No 2 - Marrow New growth in part sun
New growth on Marrow

My first Marrow flower opened
this morning 29.6.2015

Looks so good to see the first flower. 
It is growing so well now. 

I am thinking of planting 
it in the ground.

They are hungry plants and 
need a lot of space. 

In the raised bed there is clearly 
a lot more space than
in the pot. Watch this space.

See how many little veggies are
growing suddenly!

I think it is time to transplant 
into the raised bed.

Keep reading.

Courgette's growth in potting shed 

The weather is typically unpredictable 
at the moment that the poor plants don't 
know where they are.

Apart from light and enough 
of it plants do really 
need the sun's warmth to help them grow 

but is it so intermittent that they 
are not growing
 as well as they should.

Plant No. 1 -  Courgette's growth
See the new growth in the middle of the plant

Courgette's Growth 20.6.15

It is now getting a bit big 
for the hanging basket. 

Keep reading.
It is growing up to the light now. 

It is now growing really big so
have move it outside and it is hanging 
up on a bracket 
at the back of the house.

See how much my Cougette has grown.

As you can see it is getting less light
so it is growing upwards.

Please see P4 for next development 
of Veggie Experiment

A selection of Salad leaves growing
well in my potting shed

Even in here they get too hot
which is hard to believe!

Sage and Thyme I recently planted up

It is also in my potting shed on the floor
so it doesn't get too hot

until I put up more shading on the windows.
Needs lots of watering.

This is now outside and the sage
is growing really well. 

Sunflower Seeds Experiment

Planted these Sunflower seeds
about five days ago.

They are happy and growing
into little plants.

       Two biodegradable pots
with cuttings compost

 Planted out tow of the plugs,
let's watch them grow.

 These will stay in the potting shed for some time.
Keep watching.

One of first strawberries to ripen end of June

 It is under a mini bell shaped cloche
to protect but still some getting eaten!

Planting up Veggies is relatively easy but we need 
to ensure they have the right conditions in which

to grow well. We have to protect them well against slugs,
caterpillars and also against extremes of

Plants as well as Veggies need protection from slugs

I dug this up 21.6.15 from the ground 
and planted it up in potting compost
and put grit on top of it. 

It is now outside in a plant display screen
off the ground.

Currently we are experiencing the most 
bizarre weather in the U.K. for sure and it makes
it even harder work. 

It is so much easier to simply plant
 and leave in the ground or grow in a greenhouse
but it is not always practical or that simple.

But at least these are protected
on a north facnig fence

Then when they are inside as in the 
potting shed plants
 tend to dry out very quickly and 
need lots of watering and moving about 
so they don't get too warm. 

Sounds mad but the glass reflects heat and
so there needs to be constant monitoring. 

Shading as well on the glass is quite important 
too with some
kind of cloth or screen.


Patsy said...

Do you make your own seaweed feed? I tried that once. Thye plants grew well, but the smell was so bad I didn't think it was worth it!

Mini Gardens UK said...

Hello Patsy
Thanks for your interest in my blog. No sadly I am too busy with other stuff.
I use bought liquid seaweed which is fine and yes not unpleasant. May be next time.