Friday, 22 May 2015

Soil Types - Overview

"What is it you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life."
Walt Whiman

Soils and Compost
This is the basis of Gardening. Soil is the one essential substance
we need to grow plants in but so often we Gardeners get it wrong.
Please read on and find out more.......

Soil Types
What do I mean by different types of soil?
Surely it is all the same I hear you ask.

Well no, most plants need to be grown
in one type of soil to flourish and feel
happy. If not they will not give their best.

This is a mix of pre packed compost for my Veggie trial

Loamy Soil -
This is a good type of soil as it is
made up of clay, sand and silt.

Chalky Soil -
This type of soil is found in many
parts of the UK. It is literally made
from chalk. As a pure white substance
below the surface of the soil.

Three pieces of chalk from my Garden

It can be small solid lumps or it can be in larger pieces. It is a tricky soil to deal with
at the best of times and so we Gardeners need to take extra care when preparing a
planting hole or a flower bed.

Clay Soil -
This type of soil is as the name suggests it part made up of clay - that natural
substance we use to make Pottery from. It is a 'heavy'soil and it is nutritious
but tends to get water logged. It is hard work to work it but it is full of goodies.

A mixture of compost and top soil

Sandy Soil -
This type of soil is easy to work with and it is what is called 'free draining' but
it looses nutrients so they need to be added to it. By adding good organic
matter it will create a good soil.  
When you pick it up in your hand it will fall through your fingers.

Broken down leaf mould

Composts - Ericaceous  
Some plants and shrubs really need to be treated with kid gloves.
The likes of the Azalea family, rhodedendrons, Maples (Acers),
Blueberries etc do need ericaceous soil to be happy and healthy.

So if you are unsure what to do or what your soild type
is and you have a Maple or these plants I have just mentioned,
then buy some nice,attractive pots and use Ericacous soil from
a good Garden Centre.

Keep well watered regularly so that the soil does
 not dry out. Feeding them too is important now and again. 
Use a special feed for such plants such as a Concentrate for
Azaleas and Rhodedenrons.     

House Plant Compost
Use this for all house plants. It is a special type
of  Compost designed pecially for indoor plants.
Ensure that the planter is big enough for the plant
you want to plant up in it.

Remember that indoor plants do need to be watered
quite regularly as they will dry out fast. 

Vegetable Compost
When growing Veggies we want the best possible flavour from them. 
So we should use a special Vegetable Compost to provide extra nutrients 
and nourishment.


Karrie@HappyMoneySaver said...

Wow, I've never dealt with slugs before, not sure what to do about that. Excited to see how your garden grows. :)

Mini Gardens UK said...

Hello Karrie, well sadly we have lots of obstacles to face when planting new plant plugs which are so small and vulnerable. Keep reading please.

Mini Gardens UK said...

Hello Karrie
How you getting on with your
planting? Please let me know.