Friday, 15 May 2015

Famous Gardeners and their poetry

"Tell me what it is you plan to do with 
your one and wild precious life?"

Mary Oliver (Ohio)

One of her lovely poems is called The Swan. 
It is so beautifully written. 

Claydon House

"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, 
between the 
shadow and the soul." 

Pablo Neruda. (Poet)


Claydon House,

"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman."
Virginia Woolf 


Christopher Lloyd 

He wrote so many books on gardening and 
he is so engaging and easy to read. 

I find  'In My Garden' a great book to read. 

It is timeless which is a real skill 
of such a talented writer. 

He has left me me with so many fabulous 
memories of his own 
garden and all the things he did in his life. 

He was so loved by so many people. 
He lived in the most fabulous house and gardens 
known as Great Dixter all his life. 

It is a truly inspirational place 
and so worth a visit. 

"Gardening is the purest of human pleasures."
Francis Bacon

Going back in history we have so 
many inspiring 
Gardeners we can follow. 

Vita Sackville West was so resourcefu
l and talented. 

She has written many books and long
 descriptive poetry.

Quote " The whole of Sissinghurst reeks of hops, 
which I find an agreeably Kentish smell."

Vita Sackville West

We all need to get inspiration 
and ideas from different sources. 

The Internet can be useful in ways
to do a quick plant search or find
a picture to identify a plant. 

But the best source is to read up on what famous
Gardeners have written and read their take on 
what to plant where and how to get the most 
from plants. 

There is so much to learn when you 
are starting out and we all need a little help 
along the way. 

I do urge you to check out some
such great authors. 

Robin Lane Fox started his career 
at The Botanical Garden in Munich.

Later he was a Garden Master of 
New College Oxford. 

He also wrote a Gardening column 
in the Financial Times 
for many years. 

He published many books but the top 
best sellers were

'Better Gardening' and 'Variations on a Garden'.

He wrote of Christopher Lloyd

"He was the acknowledged king of garden writers. 
One of the most influential
masters of practical gardening in all its forms. 
The most thoughtful of Gardeners."

Beatrix Potter 
She was a great Gardener and 
of course famous 
writter especailly of childrens books.

To me she was very resourceful
 in her time 
and was very hard working too. 

She lived in different parts of the 
United Kindgom 
and most famously the Lake District.

Her favourite was said to be Camfield Place 
in Hertfordshire, close to Hatfield House. 

Carol Klein is the most enthusiastic 
Gardener I have come across. 

She is so full of confidence and resourcefulness and really can help 
you see the wood from the trees. 

She is very easy to follow and she
helps all kinds of people 
to create beautiful gardens from scratch. 

She has written a lot of books as well 
as being a Garden presenter. 

One of here really neat books I have is 
called 'Grow your own Veg Journal.'

 It has simple headings for each month, 
dealing with pests, how to grow sweetcorn
etc, some recipes etc. 

It is split up into weeks 
so you can record what you 
have sown when. 

A useful book to help you 
as you are going along. 

We all need to learn and experiment 
with plants. Sometimes we win and 
sometimes we loose. 

It can be hugely frustrating when 
plants don't grow and there is always 
a reason why.

We may be planting the something 
we love in a very unsuitable place but 
by reading up on what the experts say 
we should hopefully learn the right 
things to do.

Who do you enjoy reading about? 

Who inspires you?

I find all writers who can 
put over a message 
clearly makes it an interesting read. 

So often we just need to check why 
a plant is struggling and where 
better to go than the experts.

Do let me know. 

It is good to read articles as well for 
a good source
 of planting information.

The Guardian has a great 
week-end magazine 
which always has articles on 
someone sharing their favourite plants 
and I have so many cuts outs 
throughout different months.  

It really is worth following. 
One article 
by Gardener, Alys Fowler 
was about Apples
and the many varieties 
we can choose from. 

It was really informative 
as she is always 
engaging and amusing. 

I urge you to take a look.

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