Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Lake District

 What attracts people to The Lake District?

Sunlight on the Mountains

To me it is tranquility. The scenery, 
the views, the way the light reflects
on the water, the 'mountains'.

Lake Windemere

Lake Windemere is enormous, in the Southern Lakes. It is so tranquil.
Being on the water is a really fun way to travel, taking in
the fabulous views.

From Beatrix Potter

Lovely old rowing boats

Famous poet William Wordsworth 
lived in Grasmere. 
 He quoted of his garden.
'It was the work of our own hands.' 
'It was a place of refuge, meditation 
and inspiration.'

So whoever we are, 
we all search for a 
refuge where we can 
be 'alone' with our 
thoughts and feel able 
to create something 
great and profoud.

Wild Roses near Keswick

Poet, Samuel Taylor 
Coleridge spent 
many days in
the Central Fells
walking, thinking 
and writing letters.

We all love Trees

May be these poets
sat amongst the Trees?

Towering overhead
 makes me feel small
and insignificant.

View across Lake Windemere

A landscape to draw 
inspiration from.

Peaceful waters, 
colours of the sky.

Contasting light and shade

What do you see?

Is this a canvas to 
paint words onto?

Is it too beautiful 
to describe?


We all love to be in beautiful and
inspirational places. It is good for
quietening the mind.

Words need to come from somewhere deep 
within our 'soul'. We can be creative in the 
ways we express ourselves. Photography, 
still waters on a lake, changing skies,
sitting contemplating.

Views are a great focal point for inspiration
From Mirehouse Gardens, Keswick

Elegant gate
creates a
cool vista
for the eye.
Soft greenery
surrounds it.

What an
artist's palette
here, the sun
came out and
the clouds are
a perfect contrast.

We all seek tranquility.
We need to recharge our batteries

Life needs to be simple

We need to open our minds to the
still and beautiful scenery which
we find in The Lake District. 

Perfect day and fabulous place Hill Top Farm

Beatrix Potter's famous home.
Still and homely.

I hear the wisteria looks amazing earlier in the summer. 

Summer Roses- Hilltop Farm

View from Dodd Wood

Views high over Bassenthwaite Lake
from osprey viewing point.

Dry stone walls - What an Art!

 How many man hours did they take to build do you think?

Don't you think these
dry stone
walls are amazing?
Like an artist
designed them to create 
between fields.

Secret Passage at Mirehouse Gardens

The beautiful way the tunnel has been created from wood.

Perfectly formed hollyhocks at Mirehouse Gardens

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Beatrix Potter blog P2.

Tell me your experiences of Hilltop.

Welcome to my interactive blog.


Q1. Can you picture Beatrix
 feeding her sheep?

Q2. Do you know the breed
 she was famous for?

One Beatrix Potter's outbuildings


Q3. Do you think 
Beatrix kept pigs in here?

Q4. Can you picture her working 
hard as a farmer through the long,
dark days of winter?

Q5. Which stories did she write 
Anything to do with pigs?


Q9. Which story did she base here?

Q6. Did you recognise any 
places from her books?

Q7. Which was your Favourite Book?

Q8. Can you picture her working
 out who, what, where, the plot, 
inside this house?

Q10. Does this remind you
of any of the Characters?


 Beautifully characterful.

Q11. Do you love 
the way she dresses 
up her characters 
in clothes and shoes?

Q12. Who do you think may
have come through this gate
in her stories?

Q13. Did the peace and quiet 
help her to write so well?

See the art of the dry stone walls.

Feels very homely 


Q14. Can you picture Beatrix sitting 
in her study sketching her pictures?

Q15. What gave her inspiration 
do you think and ideas to create 
such clever characters?



Do you think Beatrix made her own fruit jelly?

Q17. Was she a strong,
determined, take no
nonsense kind of a

Q18. Where did she get
her independent streak
from do you think?

Please share your stories and tell me 
what you loved about Beatrix Potter's 
life, books, home, skills, creations.

Leave me your comments below.


Q.19 Do you think Beatrix would
have chosen this?

Outside her Gallery
at Hawkshead.


Q21. Do you think Beatrix


             plotted her stories on this hill?

Q20. Do you think good
writers need beautiful
scenery to help set the
scene of a story and picture

their characters, be they friends,
animals or acquaintances?

How are you all doing 
so far? Please do let me
know! Who has been here?

I would love to hear your stories.

Q22. Who might you find
hiding in her Veggie Garden?


Q23. Who lost their beautiful


Q24. What names come
to mind?

What makes Beatrix Potter so 
special is that she 
was very down to Earth. 

She worked very hard, 
with the help of others, 
but never gave up!

She was very adaptable 
and could turn her hand 

to anything. She seemed to 
be a tough woman and 
was so commited to her cause.

This is a view Beatrix will
have known very well.







A fascinating character 
that we can connect with.

A woman loved by so many 
but someone who was so 
focused and cared for the 
outside world.  

Her world became 
our world.  

Q25. Do you think Beatrix 
grew Rosemary and other 

This is outside the Gallery 
in Hawkshead, a few miles 
away from her home at Hilltop. 

The exhibition there
is changed regularly
showing her work. 

Q.26 Do you know how many 
books Beatrix Potter wrote?  

Q27. Do you think Beatrix grew her 
own produce and 
had lots of animals to supply her 
with eggs, milk, butter
etc at Hilltop? 

Healthy summer crop of onions

Living far from anywhere meant 
a lot of creativity in Beatrix's life.

She worked 
with local farmers 
as people did, being connected 
in theire own community.

Q28. Do you think there were 
any shops in the Village?

Q29. If there was a shop 
do you think it
was called?


Marrows growing at Hilltop

Q30. Do you think Beatrix 
was happy to settle here
as she had to move about 
a lot before hand?

Q31. Do you think she 
enjoyed being on her 
own a lot?

Lovely summer colour
at the front of Hilltop

We all need colour to make 
us feel good 
but in a special Garden
 it is an added bonus. 

Nature at its simplest



Allium and Evening Primrose
 at Hilltop Garden

Hope you are enjoying reading 
my blog and getting
some quiet time out of your busy day.

Has anyone been here recently?
Please share your stories.
Would love to hear what you did here.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Small garden planters and Vegetable experiements

Plant has grown upwards
so it a bit leggy

Veggie Experiment

The flowers have
been dropping off.

I left this veggie to grow in a hanging
basket against the house wall. 

It had little light there, so I have now 
moved it into the sunlight.

So the flowers are starting to open

Courgette's flowers
ready to open

These Jasmine flowers are from
the plant my courgette was
growing underneath.

Clearly not enough light here
but it was an experiment.

It was not getting enough
water as it was neglected
up there!

All plants especially in
hanging baskets need
to have feed and water.

Cooking tip.

Did you know in Italy they 
eat the flowers. 

You fry them in olive oil and they 
are delicious. Add some fresh 
basil leaves and some parmesan.

See tiny Courgette here!

Well the sun is so intermittent
at the moment.


It is getting quite late in the
season so we need more warm 
days to help the little plant grow.


My 'mini' Courgette
has lost its flower!

There really is not enough sun for it
 as the summer is so changeable. 

It should be quite hot here bu
t as it is it will not grow well.

Can you see the other
veggies growing?

Hopefully there will be some more 
veggies but  the sun is so unreliable 
in the United Kingdom.

Sudden growth on my
 lonely Courgette

It is exciting to see that at last 
this sad little courgette has
finaly put on some growth. 

It sun keeps shining it may well
grow more. Keep reading!


Experiment No 3.
Courgette I planted from seed.

I have kept this indoors in my potting 
shed but although growing
it is a bit late now to do much more.

Lavender and Marjorum
planted in July/August

Here is a mini garden in a small trough
which is so easy to make with a few plants. 

May be it is me but I think
it has grown a bit more!

A new flower
has appeared!

This morning it was so pretty, 
now this evening
 it is seriously wilting!

Such depressing weather. 
Not much hope now!

Well now in the beginning 
of Septemeber, reality is that
not much more will grow now. 

Just shows that we need the sunshine
 a lot more to grow productively.

We also need a poly tunnel 
or two to have a good crop. 

Light is low and weather 
is damp and cool!

Courgette still trying
to produce veggies!

Brave little courgette!

Ready to remove
and enjoy!

Very sad looking courgette
flower in the rain!

Marrow in ground still
trying to product veggies.

I cut back the leaves and you 
can see it still wants to grow!

Reality is that it is too damp and cold now. 
It still had a flower yesterday 1.9.15.

Results of my experiment  

Both Veggies in my experiment
 did not do that well. 

They need more heat and 
warmth to grow well. 

They could have been fed with a liquid
 seaweed to help
with growth.

They need a contast temperature 
and away from slugs. 

Growing vegetables under  a polytunnel 
is really the best solution to get some 
good results.