Friday, 3 July 2015

P.4 How to create a Mini Garden

......" Sunshine, warmth, long shadows....
Summer is here 

Plant No 1 -Courgette

It is now hanging underneath a very prolific summer flowering Jasmine so it is sheltered
and shaded from the light somewhat.
It is growing really well now as you can see below.

Marrow's new flowers forming
Now you can see how big it is growing so it has to be moved into the raised bed.
I have started to dig the plot over ready to plant it. I will be adding more
nutrients to the soil. Keep following please.

See my fabulous Courgette flower fully opened

Inside of Courgette flower and its stamen
I have seen a few insects flying around it so that is good news. It is a bit
tucked away so I think I need to also plant it in the ground and have more
space for it to grow.

I need to pay attention to these veggies and get the marrow into the ground 
as soon as I can.
It was pretty hot work digging over the raised beds yesterday.

The flowers of both my Veggies are growing and so need to develop now.
I also need to pollinate the Courgette when both the male and female
flowers are open.
Keep reading please.

Raised bed ready. Added leaf mould 
Hole dug for Marrow

Some more leaf mould in planting hole

Marrow in ground 5.7.15

Marrow planted up 5.7.15

This Marrow now at last has room and space to spread in. 

I have placed a small 
container of beer beside it to stop the slugs eating it. 
I have watered it in and let's watch it grow. I have also covered it with a nice
 big cloche which I will take off 
during the day light hours so it is exposed to the sunlight directly onto the plant.

It was quite windy when I planted this. As a result I covered it over with its
This Marrow is happy being in the ground and able to spread out now.

Marrow in ground is growing quite slowly. It is still covered with cloche. 

 Update on Experiment
My marrow is not very happy in the ground.  It has been eaten a lot and has a third
flower now which may survive the slugs. Very disappointing. 

Some horrible hungry creatures 
devouring my marrow!

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