March Jobs
See my blog on my website
"Whether you tend a
garden or not, you are the
gardener of your own
being, the seed of your
The Findhorn Community
Days are starting
to get longer
which is truly wonderful.
1. If you don't currently
have a garden
but desperately want
to grow something
get some old egg boxes,
buy some seeds like cress
or parsley and plant
them in some
compost on your window sill.
2. Cover them over
with some cling film
idealy and leave them
in the light.
3. Leave them alone
apart from a little water
and wait until some growth
starts to appear
through the compost.
4. It is pure delight when
your little seeds start to show
through the compost.
Some helpful tips
for beginners
Snowdrops, crocuses
and daffodils
grow from bulbs.
They have to be planted
during the autumn
so they will flower
in the spring.
5. This is just an example
of a shrub that I have just
pruned in my garden.
By this I mean, cut off
its dried seed heads
and cut it back so
it looks tidy and
ready for the new
growth to start over
So the leaves you
see is the new
season's growth.
This is a winter herb
which is healthy but needs
to be cut back, removing
the old dead growth
so it will keep growing well.
We gardeners like a tidy plot.
More gardening tips for March
6. As it is still early in the year
if you can't wait any longer,
then buy little vegetable
plant plugs to grow indoors.
They can be peas
or broad beans.
But they need to be
in direct light on
a window sill
where they can keep
growing evenly.
7. We need to start
thinking about
using our home made
compost around our plants.
Here are two compost
which I have in
my garden. They are just
for woody stems and
bigger garden compostable
branches, raked up grass etc.
Composting is a really
importatnt part of
having a garden.
If you do not have
a lot of space you can
buy large composter bins.
Like these ones here.
I have two large
composter bins which
I fill up with vegetable
scraps,egg shells,
cardboard etc.